10 Rules To Hosting The Most Hauntingly Good Halloween Bash Ever
Your apartment may seem quaint and quiet now, but once your Halloween bash kicks into high-gear, it's going to be a hauntingly great time for all. To pull off this ghoulish event, though, you need to have a few tricks and treats up your sleeve.
The following 10 rules will help you be so successful, it's scary!
1. Start Early
You can't throw a legendary party if you wait until the last minute, so start planning early, making a list, checking it twice and organizing all the elements of your bash way ahead of time. From food and refreshments to fold-away tables, you really need to think of everything in advance.
2. Declare A Distinct (Preferably Demented) Theme
Choosing a specific theme for your party will help guests decide what to wear and what to be, but it will also help all the demented details come together for you, too. Think of your theme, then write everything down that comes to mind about it, from colors and textures, to characters and recipes.
3. Stock Up On A Variety Of Goodies
The goodies you offer should reflect a wide range of tastes, and also be clearly marked for people with allergies. While you want to please every palate, you don't want anyone leaving the party by ambulance. To save on the goodies you get, buy in bulk and buy before you get too close to Halloween.
4. Create Creepy Invitations
Unless you want the event open to anyone who finds out about it, it's important to create invitations with specific rules for guests. Inform them of your theme, the time of the event, and what activities you have planned. If anyone on your guest list tends to misbehave on occasions such as this, put a friendly reminder that getting too far out of control won't be tolerated.
5. Ask Your Guests To Contribute To The Festivities With Food And Candy
To take a bit of the burden off yourself, and to ensure a nice mix, ask guests to tote along their own tricks and treats and set them on a table when they arrive.
6. Be Mindful Of The Ages Of All Your Guests
If there may be youngsters in attendance, be sure no element of your bash is too scary for them.
7. Have Designated Driver And/Or Sleepover Plans
If alcohol is served, plans should be made in advance of what to do if someone can't handle driving home.
8. Make Time To Decorate
Give yourself a full day, if not longer, to complete the decorating in your apartment. Anticipate things going wrong, such as running out of scotch tape and streamers catching fire from the candles.
9. Go All Out On Your Own Commemorative Costume
The costume that adorns you should follow the theme you've set and really rise above the ordinary. If it's homemade, be sure it's super creative and people can easily tell what or who you are. If it's bought from a store, avoid the discount rack and anything too generic (especially if someone else might show up in the same attire).
10. Delegate Some Duties To Your Henchmen, Handmaidens, And Other Minions
Because this is a lot to handle, you should have at least a few people helping you out. Serving food, monitoring the bar and keeping guests from doing cartwheels off your balcony can't all be done by you alone, so delegate some responsibilities, while still making sure everyone has fun.
A Halloween bash at your apartment should be the thrill of the season, without taking too much out of your budget or destroying any property. Plan it well, keep an eye on all of your guests, and don't forget to form a cleaning crew, too, to pick up all the tricks, treats, and treachery left behind.