Community Connection
Nicole McCann
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Community Connection

April showers bring May flowers . . .

April 2020 Newsletter  

They say April showers bring May flowers, and I am hoping that sentiment will apply to what is happening in the world right now, and that on the other side of April will be some relief for everyone. We hope you are all staying safe and healthy. We have been doing extra disinfectant cleaning throughout the lobbies, stairwells, elevators and common areas. Although our fitness center is private, we decided to keep it closed as to minimize the risk of spreading the COVID19 virus.  We are sorry for any inconvenience that this is causing our tenants.  Please continue to practice Social Distancing requirements if you choose to visit the clubhouse, and show respect for others by staying home if you have any sort of cold/flu symptoms.  Our maintenance crew is handling any emergency that may arise and taking the proper safety measures before entering any apartment. I will be in the office everyday as well to answer any questions or concerns you may have through email or by phone, however I will be limiting any office visits. The safety of our residents and our staff are the most important to us. This is an uncertain time right now, but we will all absolutely come out okay.  

CDC Reminders:

            If you are an older person or have a serious underlying health condition, stay home and away from other people. 

            If someone in your household has tested positive, keep the entire household at home. 

             Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

            Most importantly, WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN  with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available, use an alcohol based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 

Even if you are young, or otherwise healthy, you are at risk and your activities can increase the risk for others. It really is critical that you do your part to help slow the spread of the virus. It’s the only way to contain and stop the virus. You can visit or for more information. 


With so many events cancelled and businesses closed, it can make you go a little stir-crazy and be very isolating. Here are some of my favorite home ideas that might be fun to check out! 

Virtual Tours: With many spring break trips cancelled, taking a virtual tour might be the best idea to not only check out somewhere you have never seen, but get you excited to want to visit in the future. Museums, Aquariums, Zoos, Theme Parks and National Parks all have extensive free virtual tours. Some of my favorites to check out are: The Louvre Museum, The British Museum, The Smithsonian, The San Diego Zoo, The Shedd Aquarium and Walt Disney World. You can visit the link, to see their full list of the top 30 amazing options. You can always google your favorite place to visit and see if they offer some behind the scenes tours. The Guardian compiled a list of the 10 best virtual tours of famous landmarks. You can check out Stonehenge or The Acropolis without leaving your couch!

Music/Concerts: Broadway HD offers a streaming service with a free weeklong trial program. You can watch your favorite classics like Miss Saigon or Sweeny Todd or catch some new recent productions of Kinky Boots or A night with Janis Joplin. The National Theatre in London will be starting for the very first time, a free you tube channel called National Theatre at home and you will be able to enjoy all the productions. The channel will be available starting April 2. PBS Great Performances runs many amazing concerts and shows online and on TV for free. Many of your favorite artists have all started doing daily concerts on their Instagram pages or online. If you have a favorite singer, chances are they are stuck at home as well and are eager to put on a show for you! 

Hobbies: Maybe you have wanted to learn a new language or learn how to play an instrument, but didn’t have the time? Fender is offering free online lessons for guitar playing. There are many apps available that will have you speaking Italian in no time. If acting excites you, Second City is offering their Improv classes online. 

Volunteering: While it is very important to keep in mind that Social Distancing is what is necessary to slow the spread, there are still ways to volunteer your time. Hospitals are in desperate need for masks. If you love to sew, hospitals will gladly accept your donations. There are very specific guidelines that need to be followed. Froedtert Hospital for example, has their specific sewing instructions available online. Food Pantry’s and Blood Banks are also both important to keep in mind. You can reach out to blood centers to make a personal appointment or reach out to local food pantries like The Tosa Food Pantry to see about donations. 

Voting: The next Spring election is coming up fast and it is a very important election. You can request an absentee ballot if you have not done so already at or by calling the Wauwatosa City Clerk’s office, 414-479-8900.  The deadline to make your request was extended until Thursday, April 2.

Grocery Shopping/Deliveries: Sendiks has made morning hours from 7am to 8am available to only shoppers 60 and older or those who have compromised immune systems. There are many local restaurants like Miss Molly’s Café or Balistreri’s who have great menu options for delivery and for curbside pickup. If you live next door to someone, it would be a great gesture to not only be checking in with them, but maybe offering if you are ordering out to see if they would like something. The kindness that we show each other during this time is what is important and what we will remember most after this is finally over. 

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