How To Create An Indoor Herb Garden In Your Apartment
If you live in an apartment and want to have your very own herb garden, there are many great ways to do this.
First, it's important to have a decent sized window that will give you plenty of light.
Next, unless there is already a countertop near the window, you should place a table there. Place some small sized planters or a large rectangular planter on the table or countertop to grow your herbs in.
Choose your herbs carefully. Some good herb choices are basil, garlic, chives, oregano, thyme, parsley, and rosemary.
Choose a good potting soil to plant your new herbs in. You'll want a soil that will give your plants some nourishment and that will drain easily. There are many great potting soils on the market today, or you can create your own designer potting soil by choosing from some potting soils that you like and combining them.
Keep in mind that your herbs are going to grow fairly quickly so you'll want to allow each type of herb to have plenty of space to grow if you're using the rectangular planter.
Be sure that you identify which herbs are where so as they come up you'll know what they are. You can do this with tags, popsicle sticks that you write the name of the herbs on, or however you choose.
Gently mist your seeds and cover the top of your planter with plastic to give it a greenhouse effect and get your seeds to sprout. Mist daily or as needed. You should see moisture on the plastic at all times.
Once your seeds have sprouted, take the plastic off and continue gently misting your plants. Remove any of the plants that look sickly or aren't doing well. It's survival of the fittest here, so you'll want to make sure that you are tending to only those plants that are going to give you plenty of herbs.
Once your seedlings have three or more leaves you can begin to water them. Simply add water to the soil in the planters with a watering can or a glass of water.
Water your plants on a regular basis and make sure that you're not overwatering them or they may begin to rot. If your leaves are turning brown or looking odd, you may be over or under watering.
To know when to water, pay close attention to your soil. Water only when the soil is beginning to dry out or is already dried out.
Fertilize your herb garden every few weeks using an organic or fish fertilizer. This will help feed your plants a healthy diet so that they will give you more yield.
Now that you have your herb garden growing well you can enjoy fresh herbs at every meal by simply snipping off what you need when cooking.