November 2016 in Wauwatosa
Holiday Cheer in The Village
November 4 through December 25...
Open House in The Village
November 6 to 8...
Celtic Christmas Boutique: Arts & Crafts Fair
This event has free admission. It is presented by CelticMKE at CelticMKE Center, 1532 N. Wauwatosa Ave. For more information see the website.
Tree Lighting in The Village
Okay, this isn't in November, but it's so early in December I don't want to wait until the end of November to let you know about this. Plan to attend on December 9. (Date corrected from earlier publication.)
Chancery’s Karaoke Night
The Chancery sponsors Karaoke night every Wednesday in November. Looking for a chance to impress the voice scouts? This could be it! Or maybe it's just a good time with friends. The fun starts at 9:00 p.m. at 7615 W. State Street.
Yo Mama! Storytime
If you have preschoolers in your family, consider stopping by at Yo Mama! (1349 N Wauwatosa Avenue) any Monday in November from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Children, up to 5 years old, get to create a craft and have a story read to them. They can also enjoy a small Fro Yo with UNLIMITED toppings for only $5.00.