Stephen Shaw
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Questions You Need to Ask Before Getting That Apartment

Apartment hunting can be an overwhelming and exciting task, with a lot of things to consider that can make your head spin. It would be easiest to just jump in and sign the contract with your landlord.

Here are things you need to ask yourself before getting that apartment. Not only will these things save you time and effort, but they might also spare you from possible regrets you could face later on.

Get Your Priorities Straight

It can be quite tempting to bring everything you have ever collected (from each bowling trophy won down to that exotic knick knack) to your new place. While this may be a good idea, it can pose a few problems as well. For one, it can be too much junk to bring to your new apartment with you.

Take the opportunity of moving as a way of purging some stuff. Have an honest conversation with yourself. Are you really holding on to these items because they are useful, or simply because you’re just too reluctant to let them go?

Consider donating, throwing away, or recycling anything you don’t really need. Trust me, you will eventually thank yourself that you took this step.

Keeping Pets

Many people have pets. Not only do they keep us feeling loved but they offer great company as well. Now you might have found the perfect apartment complete with all the desirable amenities and located in a strategic location. Sounds perfect, right? But have you asked the landlord if bringing your furry friend is allowed?

Some apartments have specific rules when it comes to bringing pets. How many dogs or cats can live with you? What dog breeds are allowed? You might be surprised that in some apartments, they only allow certain dog breeds or sizes.

Pets are allowed? Great! But have you thoroughly checked the area? I’m sure Fido is bursting with energy and would want plenty of room where he can run around and play. Even Felix may want some extra space now and then.

Have a plan for Fido and Felix before you decide on an apartment. They probably do not want to be left behind!


There’s a reason why every real estate agent highlights location. Like what they say, it's “location, location, location!”

Before deciding on an apartment, think thoroughly about where it is located. Ideally, we want our place to be close to conveniences as much as possible.

How close are your desired locations to your new apartment? Are those distances within your acceptable range? If you are comfortable driving to certain areas, then a couple of miles should be just fine. If you enjoy walking, then choose an apartment that is near to the places that you deem important (grocery stores, restaurants, gym, etc).

These are the top concerns that most apartment hunters fail to look at. More often than not, these things are realized later on when everything has been signed. Hopefully, this list can help you make the best decision when it comes choosing the best apartment.

Here at Serafino Square, our luxury apartment community is an urban sanctuary located in a prime Wauwatosa, Wisconsin neighborhood with many conveniences.

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